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  5. Rose Quartz Roller

Rose Quartz Roller


Start by applying a face serum on your face, something which is a little flowy, like a moisturizer. Gently use the face rollers on the face and tug it upwards from the jawline to the cheekbone. The temples can be done in an upward direction as well. Eyebrows can be massaged too, especially useful if you have a headache. This process could be termed as yoga since it massages and relieves your body of the stress.

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Start by applying a face serum on your face, something which is a little flowy, like a moisturizer. Gently use the face rollers on the face and tug it upwards from the jawline to the cheekbone. The temples can be done in an upward direction as well. Eyebrows can be massaged too, especially useful if you have a headache. This process could be termed as yoga since it massages and relieves your body of the stress.